Information Technology Policy Violation Notification

You have been directed to this page because your computer has been blocked from accessing Cal Poly's wireless network. A block is placed when the university is notified that a user and/or their computer is engaged in activity that poses a threat to other users or systems or the university is required by policy or law to terminate access.

Although your personal computer has been blocked on the wireless network, your campus accounts are still active and you can still access campus services via the My Cal Poly portal using available computers in the University Union, the Learning Commons in the library, or a college or departmental lab.

Please review the information below to understand why your access has been blocked and what actions must be taken before your access can be restored. If you have any questions or concerns, contact

Why Has My Wireless Access Been Blocked?

Your access was blocked because Information Technology Services received one or more complaints of a law or university policy being violated and traced the activity to your computer based on the IP address and the date and time it occured.

A notice explaining the nature of the violation is being sent to your Cal Poly email account.

While Cal Poly does not actively search for violations, the university is required by policy and law to respond to valid complaints of illegal activity or inappropriate use occuring on its network.

Actions Required to Restore Network Access

Before network access can be restored, you must complete each of the following steps:

  1. Review Cal Poly's Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources Policy which you acknowledged and agreed to abide by when you received your Cal Poly username or changed your Cal Poly password.
  2. Review any additional policies cited in the notice you received.
  3. Take any specific actions cited in the notice you received.
  4. Send an email to confirming that you have completed Steps 1 through 3 and to request removal of the block. Please reference the case number (CP#) in the subject line or message body.
  5. NOTE: If this is your first offense, the incident will be documented and closed. Repeat offenders will be referred to the appropriate university authority for further action in accordance with campus policies.

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