Responsible Use Policy - Sections E.10 & E.11

E.10 - Electronic Communications

University electronic communications are to be used to enhance and facilitate teaching, learning, scholarly research, to support academic experiences, to facilitate the effective business and administrative processes of the University, and to foster effective communications within the academic community. Electronic mail and messaging, social media and news posts, chat sessions or any other form of electronic communication must comply with Cal Poly's Electronic Mail and Messaging Policy.

E.11 - Web Sites and Accessibility to Digital Content

An official Cal Poly web site is one which is formally acknowledged by the chief officer of a University college, department or division as representing that entity accurately and in a manner consistent with Cal Poly's mission. Without such acknowledgment, a web site, regardless of content, is not "official." Official pages are the property and responsibility of the divisions that create them. This includes official pages and content developed by and/or hosted on non-University resources. In the context of this provision, instructional materials delivered electronically, student organization and instructionally-related activity websites are included.

Cal Poly is strongly committed to ensuring comparable access to web-based information and information technologies for individuals with disabilities as required by Executive Order 926, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 11135 of the California Government Code, and other applicable policies and laws. Official web pages and other official University information, services and learning resources delivered electronically must comply with current campus standards and guidelines to ensure reasonable access by affected individuals. The chief officer of a University college, department, or division is responsible for ensuring that digital content associated with their area, regardless of origin, complies with accessibility policies, standards, guidelines and practices established by the University.

"Unofficial" information may also be posted and maintained by individual students and/or employees unrelated to their job. Cal Poly does not undertake to edit, screen, monitor, or censor information posted by unofficial authors, whether or not originated by unofficial authors or third parties, and does not accept any responsibility or liability for such information even when it is conveyed through University-owned servers.

Both official and unofficial web sites are subject to the other provisions of this policy if they use University resources such as University-owned servers and the Cal Poly network to transmit and receive information.

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