Information Security Forum

Fall 2019 - Securing your Identity

Join the Cal Poly Information Security Office for our third quarterly Information Security Forum event.  The forums provide a focused information security topic with a practical demonstration of the threat/vulnerability.  Plenty of time will be available for the Information Security team to answer your questions.


UU220 (Bldg 65-220)


October 16th from 11:10am to noon


Securing your Identity


October marks National Cyber Security Awareness Month, the Information Security Office will host an information session discussing the future of 2-Step Verification (Duo Multifactor Authentication).  We will provide a high-level look at the roll-out of Duo to the campus, provide an overview of enrolling a device and/or desk phone, and a "how-to" session on accepting a push notification to a smart device or accepting a call to a phone.




Previous Forum Topics

Winter 2019 - Protecting your Privacy


UU220 (Bldg 65-220)


January 28th from 11am to 12pm


Protecting Your Privacy


January 28 is National Data Privacy Day, and this month we are focusing on protecting your privacy.  The Information Security Team will share what tracking is, who performs it, and how you can control what personal data is shared with third parties. 

Slides (pdf)

uBlock Origin page for Chrome and Firefox
Google Account Settings
Axciom Opt-Out Form


Online Security Tips for Smarter TravelInformation Security Forum May 30


Join the Cal Poly Information Security Office for our second quarterly Information Security Forum event.  The forums will provide a focused information security topic with a practical demonstration of the threat/vulnerability.  Plenty of time will be available for the Information Security team to answer your questions.


UU220 (Bldg 65-220)


October 10th from 11am to 12pm


LastPass Password Keeper Tips and Duo Registration


October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and this month we are focusing on keeping your passwords safe.  The Information Security Team will share insider tips on LastPass, a newly acquired password storage tool available to Cal Poly.  We will have ITS staff on hand to help you set up Duo 2-Step Verification and answer LastPass questions.  Please pre-register for this event and become a Cal Poly early adopter of LastPass. 

Slides (pdf)


Spring 2018 (May) WiFi Security:

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