What Should You Do About Heartbleed? Great Question!

A computer security issue known as the “Heartbleed bug” was announced Monday, April 7, 2014. The bug may affect many of the secure Web services you use.  The threat is that this particular vulnerability can expose confidential information that is normally considered secure.

Cal Poly has already taken steps to identify affected campus services and to begin correcting issues.  The impact to the campus is expected to be minimal.  However, scheduled outages may be necessary as the campus continues to resolve this problem.  If a specific impact is found, affected users will be contacted.

So what does this mean to you

Given the broad nature of this vulnerability, you should use caution when logging into Web sites until you can verify that the site is secure.  If you are concerned about the impact of this bug on email, financial or other online services you use outside of Cal Poly, you should contact them directly.  

You can check the status of any Web site using this online tool.

You can check the status of the top 100 sites that have patched the Heartbleed bug.

Follow this link for more information about "Heartbleed" and what you should do to protect yourself.

NOTE:  Events such as this may generate new phishing email messages.  Be aware of messages regarding Heartbleed requesting you to provide passwords and personal information.  Cal Poly will advise you to take action but will never ask for your password via phone, email or link in an email.

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