ITS Security Standard: Incident Response Program - Roles and Responsibilities 2
Information Authority/Owner
- Supports the Incident Response Team in reporting, investigating, assessing and resolving potential policy violations and security incidents
- Determines if an enterprise production service may be taken off-line
Information Security Coordinators
- Supports the Incident Response Team in reporting, investigating, assessing and resolving potential policy violations and security incidents
- Serves as escalation point to ensure cooperation by users and technical staff in their area
- Supports the Incident Response Team in reporting, investigating, assessing and resolving potential policy violations and security incidents
- Determines if localized production services may be taken off-line
- In consultation with the Information Security Officer, notifies affected users when a security breach requiring notification originates from an individual or system under their control
- Applies sanctions and discipline in accordance with existing policy and practice in coordination with Human Resources, Academic Personnel or Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Participates in lessons learned as requested
- Makes recommendations to prevent similar incidents and/or improve the response process
Employment Equity/Human Resources/Academic Personnel/Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Investigates alleged policy violations and security incidents stemming from actions taken by individual staff, faculty and students to determine if disciplinary action is appropriate
Authorizes activities affecting accounts or files of individuals under investigation or found to be responsible for a policy violation or security incident, including but not limited to,
- Temporary suspension of accounts
- Early termination of accounts
- Retention and review of electronic or other files
- Advises management on applicable policies and procedures, including potential sanctions
- Participates in lessons learned as requested
University Legal Counsel
- Authorizes litigation holds and notifies affected parties regarding their responsibilities
- Interprets the law and advises on potential legal or other risks to the university
- Reviews search warrants or other legal requests for validity prior to campus response
- Serves as escalation point for advice on legal matters outside the purview of the team
University Police
- Investigates incidents involving potential criminal activity, including theft of university property
- Assists in obtaining search warrants, subpoenas, and other legal documents as requested
- Coordinates contact with outside law enforcement agencies
- Serves as escalation point for incidents involving immediate threat to physical safety
Public Affairs
- Coordinates communications and contacts between the university and the media
- Serves as escalation point if a security breach notification is required
- Serves as escalation point if an incident is likely to affect public confidence
Executive Management
- Serves as escalation point if a security breach notification is required
- Serves as escalation point if an incident is likely to affect public confidence