Responsible Use Policy - Section E.4

E.4 - Network and System Integrity

In accordance with California State Penal Code Section 502, Cal Poly's Computer Crimes PolicyCal Poly's Information Security Program [PDF], CSU's information security policies, including responsible use [PDF], and other policies and laws, activities and behaviors that threaten the integrity of computer networks or systems are prohibited on both University-owned and privately-owned equipment operated on or through University resources. These activities and behaviors include but are not limited to:

  1. Interference with or disruption of computer systems and networks and related services, including but not limited to the propagation of malware, e.g., computer "worms," "viruses" and "Trojan Horses"
  2. Intentionally or carelessly performing an act that places an excessive load on a computer or network to the extent that other users may be denied service or the use of electronic networks or information systems may be disrupted
  3. Failure to comply with authorized requests from designated University officials to discontinue activities that threaten the operation or integrity of computers, systems or networks
  4. Negligently or intentionally revealing passwords or otherwise permitting the use by others of University-assigned accounts for computer and network access. Individual password security is the responsibility of each user. The user is responsible for all uses of their accounts, independent of authorization.
  5. Altering or attempting to alter files or systems without authorization
  6. Unauthorized scanning of ports, computers and networks
  7. Unauthorized attempts to circumvent data protection schemes or to uncover security vulnerabilities
  8. Connecting unauthorized equipment to the campus network or computers. University authorized business and other activities directly related to the academic mission of the University are excluded; however, network communication devices must have prior approval from Information Technology Services before they can be connected to the campus network. Unauthorized network communication devices or any networked device that may negatively impact management, reliability or integrity of the campus network or other University resource may be disconnected from the network.
  9. Attempting to alter any University computing or network components without authorization or beyond one's level of authorization, including but not limited to bridges, routers, hubs, wiring, and connections.
  10. Utilizing network or system identification numbers or names that are not assigned for one's specific use on the designated system
  11. Using campus resources to gain unauthorized access to any computer system and/or using someone else's computer without their permission
  12. Providing services or accounts on University computers or via University networks to other users from a personal computer unless required to meet the normal activities of students working as individuals or in collaborative groups to fulfill current course requirements. University authorized business and other activities directly related to the academic mission of the University, are also excluded; however, any computers running services that may negatively impact management, reliability or integrity of the campus network or other University resource may be disconnected from the network;
  13. Registering a Cal Poly IP address with any other domain name
  14. Registering a domain name.

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