What is Spirion/Identity Finder Data Loss Prevention Software?

Spirion (also known as Identity Finder) Data Loss Prevention software helps you locate sensitive data that may not be easy to find, including documents you may have forgotten about, and assists you to properly secure or dispose of the data, thereby, protecting sensitive information from theft and/or inappropriate use.

Why is Cal Poly Implementing Spirion?

The number of data breaches continues to rise and cyber criminals are now targeting universities like never before. Many of us don’t realize we may be placing the campus at risk by having sensitive Level 1 data, also known as personally identifiable information (PII), on our workstations.  The California State University (CSU) and affected bargaining units recognize that data breaches are detrimental and to minimize risk have agreed that CSU campuses may proceed with implementing Identify Finder data loss prevention software.  Identity Finder is a program that scans laptops and desktops to help locate Level 1 information and securely delete or modify (scrub) the documents.

Cal Poly is also legally required to protect PII entrusted to its care. PII is an umbrella term for information which Cal Poly classifies as Level 1 data that is linked to an individual person's identity, such as Social Security Numbers, driver license data, and credit card or bank account information which can be used to facilitate identity theft.  Because of the damage that inadvertent disclosure of protected information may do to the University, a campus-wide effort to locate this type of information is under way to ensure that adequate protection is in place. 

What to Expect?

Before implementation, each campus shall institute an awareness program that gives employees a 30-day opportunity to screen their workstations and files to identify and secure any personal information.

The results of the Level 1 data searches will only be accessible by Cal Poly's Information Security Office. Non-sensitive summary reports of the searches may be made available to Cal Poly staff on a need-to-know basis to improve security of sensitive data within specific departments, and for reporting to the CSU Chancellor's Office.

Additional information and awareness documentation may be found on our getting started with Spirion webpage.

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