IT Security Standard: Computing Devices - Documentation
The following information, decisions and processes must be documented by the designated computing device administrator and available for review by the designated management authority.
All Devices
- Information about the device or storage media
- Use Type and Risk Level
All Devices with Operating System Configuration Access
In addition to the above:
- Network services required
- Network configuration requirements
- Method used to authenticate users
- Method used to secure data when traversing the network based on applications and information residing on the device
- Operating system / application patch method and schedule. The method must include verification of successful patch installation and remediation process if patch installation is unsuccessful
- Operating system and application log scope, review and retention schedules
- Device and data recovery expectations and procedures
- Backup schedule and scope
- Backup retention schedule
- Recovery test schedule
- Method and schedule for detecting malicious software
- Method and schedule for vulnerability testing in accordance with the Vulnerability Assessment and Management Standard
- Computing device decommission date and data disposition date for associated storage media
Multi-user and Enterprise Computing Devices
In addition to the above:
- Process for monitoring activity and responding to information security events
- Process for making changes (e.g. separation of duties, change approvals, communication plans, change logs, etc.)
- Process to confirm security configurations prior to deployment and on a documented schedule after deployment
- Changes to the system (e.g. server administrator’s change log)
- Process used to grant/change/remove user access in accordance with the Computer Account Standard
- Process used to grant/change/remove administrator access in accordance with the Computer Account Standard
- Process used to define and approve users/groups/roles and related access to files/programs that ensure the principle of “least user privileges”
- Incident response expectations in accordance with the Incident Response Program
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