Compliance Requirements for Outsourced Services

All third-party vendors dealing with Cal Poly Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 data must submit the following documentation for the level of data handled by the vendor:

Required documentation for L1 or L2 data

  1. Attestation of Compliance (AOC) – (e.g. cert from Cloud Security Alliance)
  2. Report on Compliance (ROC) – (SOC3, SSAE16)
  3. Contract (confidentiality agreement)
  4. Dataflow
  5. Third-Party Vendor Security Questionnaire
    V3 questionnaire for Level 1 data; ​Third-Party Vendor Security Questionnaire for level 2 data
  6. Incident Response (this should be included in the contract)  
  7. Security exception (if needed)
  8. Application data request (if needed)
    Please note- this form should be submitted after a vendor has been vetted
  9. Authentication request (if needed)
    Please note- this request should be submitted
    after a vendor has been vetted

Required documentation for L3 data

  1. Contract 
  2. Third-Party Vendor Security Questionnaire
  3. Security exception (if needed)
  4. Application data request (if needed)
  5. Authentication request (if needed)


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