Responsible Use Policy - Sections A & B

A. Scope

This policy applies to any user of the University's information technology resources, whether initiated from a computer located on or off-campus. This includes any computer and information system or resource, including means of access, networks, and the data residing thereon. This policy applies to the use of all University information technology resources whether centrally-administered or locally-administered.  Administrators of individual or dedicated University resources may enact additional policies specific to those resources provided they do not conflict with the provisions of this and other official policies and laws. Users are subject to both the provisions of this policy and any policies specific to the individual systems they use.

B. Purpose

The principal concern of this responsible use policy is the effective and efficient use of information technology resources. The primary focus is to insure that the resources are used in a manner that does not impair or impede the use of these resources by others in their pursuit of the mission of the University. This policy is intended to ensure

  1.  the integrity, reliability, and good performance of University resources;
  2.  that the resource-user community operates according to established policies and applicable laws;
  3.  that these resources are used for their intended purposes; and
  4.  that appropriate measures are in place to assure the policy is honored.

The policy is intended to permit, rather than proscribe, reasonable resource-user access within institutional priorities and financial capabilities.

This policy is intended to promote and encourage responsible use while minimizing the potential for misuse and not imposing broad-based restrictions on all users.

This policy is not intended to prevent or prohibit the sanctioned use of campus resources as required to meet Cal Poly's core mission and academic and administrative purposes.

Continue to Section C | Return to RUP Table of Contents

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